Volume 7 Number 1 of Pimatisiwin: A Journal of Indigenous and Aboriginal Community Health marks our seventh year of publication. Pimatisiwin provides a space for the publication of articles that focus on Indigenous research methods; community-based, participatory and/or collaborative approaches to health research; ethics in health research; and research on communitybased health program for Indigenous peoples. Articles published here are written in accessible language to facilitate knowledge transfer between community and research environments; they are multidisciplinary, focus on the topic of health (broadly defined), and we hope they will be of interest to a wide range of readers, including students, individuals who provide health services and researchers.
Indeed, we believe that Pimatisiwin has become an important resource for Indigenous peoples, researchers and health practitioners! Volume 7 Number 1 is a general issue and includes a wide variety of topics, as well as research in Canada, Hawaii, and Central America. The journal is managed internationally; it is published by Native Counselling Services of Alberta (Canada), in partnership with Papa Ola Lokahi (Hawaii), the Cooperative Research Centre for Aboriginal Health (Australia) and the International Indigenous Council for the Healing Our Spirits Worldwide Gathering. On behalf of the management board, I invite you to read the articles we have provided in this issue — we hope you find them both thought provoking and helpful.
Patti LaBoucane-Benson
Managing and General Editor
(click on PDF to read more)