April Maloney and Dawn Caldwell both live in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Since
2003, they have worked together to develop a project that would examine
resilience to suicide among Aboriginal youth. First, with funding from the
Ottawa ACADRE (http://www.cihr-irsc.gc.ca/e/27071.html), they worked with
two communities to develop a culturally appropriate research questionnaire
for youth. Once the questionnaire was finalized, Dawn and April met with
other communities in Atlantic Canada, to discuss youth resilience using the
questionnaire they had completed and inviting communities to join them
in a community based research project. In 2005, the Aboriginal Community
Youth Resilience Network (ACYRN) was funded, allowing 10 communities
in Atlantic Canada and 8 communities in Alberta to research youth wellness
using the questionnaire first developed by Dawn and April.
(click on PDF to read more)
(click on PDF to read more)