“This is what I heard at Naicatchewenin”: Disrupting embodied settler colonialism

Tricia McGuire-Adams


In this article, I consider how Anishinaabeg stories are tools that disrupt embodied settler colonialism, which is experienced as historical trauma, grief, ill-health, and substance abuse. I explored the question, “how is settler colonialism manifested upon Anishinaabeg women’s bodies?” with eight Anishinaabeg Elders from Naicatchewinin First Nation. The Elders’ stories reveal that as we heal from the effects of colonialism by making changes from within, connect to our ancestral stories of physical strength, and apply them in our everyday practices of healing, we simultaneously disrupt embodied settler colonialism.


Researching racism


Whiti Te Rā: A guide to connecting Māori to traditional wellbeing pathways

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