JIW, Volume 7, Issue 1, May 2024

Indigenous Workforce Development in Aotearoa New Zealand

In this special edition of Te Mauri Pimatisiwin Journal of Indigenous Wellbeing, we shine a light on Indigenous workforce development in Aotearoa (New Zealand). We gain insights from successful Māori health workforce development initiatives, and from research that is gradually rewriting deficit narratives.

Central to this edition is the pivotal concept of cultural safety in healthcare training and delivery, emphasising the importance of Indigenous wisdom, traditions, and languages. Enabling frameworks to evolve, moving from mere service delivery to authentic collaboration with Indigenous communities, ensures that care is culturally congruent.

Te Mauri Pimatisiwin Journal of Indigenous Wellbeing is staunchly devoted to elevating Indigenous perspectives and championing Indigenous-centric health solutions. Through this edition, our aspiration is not just to inform but to catalyse a broader comprehension of Indigenous health, driving momentum towards a world where health equity is a reality for all.

Mauri Ora!

Dr Margaret Wilkie & Dr Grace Brown (nee Walker)

Patron of Te Mauri Pimatisiwin Editorial

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Editorial 2

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Tēnei te Pō Nau mai te Ao: Mataora ai te ao! Collective Conscientisation: Indigenous Transformation

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The role of Kaumātua in Māori Health Workforce Development

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Tawhiti: An Indigenous Trauma Informed Harm Reduction Approach to Alcohol and Other Drug Use

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A Māori Health Workforce with Lived Experience

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A Kaupapa Māori Approach to Workforce Development: Lessons from the Whānau Ora Commissioning Agency’s COVID-19 Response

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Nature-Wellbeing Connection – A Literature Review of Measurements of Connection to Nature Within Indigenous Wellbeing

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Connectedness to Nature Deeply Impacts our Wellbeing: Kōrero and Themes from Iwi Taiao Knowledge Holders

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Book Review 1 A Fire in the Belly of Hineāmaru by Webber and O’Connor

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